gematria is a system of numerology that assigns numerical values to Hebrew and Greek letters, words and phrases to uncover hidden connections and deeper meanings found throughout the Bible and other sacred texts. This system of numerical analysis has been used in various religious contexts for centuries, and its origins can be traced back to ancient Babylonian and Jewish culture.
In gematria, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a numerical value. For example, in the English alphabet, A is equal to 1, B is equal to 2, C is equal to 3, etc. While these numbers alone can offer cryptic messages when placed together correctly, much of the true value of gematria lies in gaining hidden knowledge from either the sum total or sub-total value of groups of words or verses within religious texts.
For instance, when investigating passages from the Bible that contain numeric patterns or similar numeric combinations (such as 333), gematria can provide an accurate timeline or deep symbolism which may present insights not found elsewhere. One example is Isaiah 7:14 which reads "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son." According to gematria calculations for this verse (believed by some to refer to Jesus), every word related to "virgin" (אלם) adds up numerically in Hebrew as 331 while "conceive" (הרה) adds up numerically as 332 – together they yield 663 -- believed by some seminarians to be a direct reference to Jesus' birth year.
In addition to its use within certain Christian circles (and other religious traditions), some varieties of Kabbalah also rely heavily on numerological tools such as gematria for prophecy and deeper insights into biblical interpretation. For example many Kabbalists believe that certain passages indicate prophetic events that are destined to happen throughout history by associating specific numbers with significant persons such as Moses or King David.
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